Surrounded by baby gear scattered in her living room with the distant cry of a newborn in the background, Lex Renick, a former transgender man who de-transitioned back to being a woman after reconnecting with Christ, reflected on her life-changing testimony.
After living as a man for 14 years, Renick recalled the moment she reconnected with God after losing her faith. “I remember falling on my face at a dock in our small town in Big Bear, where I ended up giving my life to the Lord in the sense of finally saying, ‘I trust you with all of it’,” she told Fox News Digital.
“I just wish that I had someone to lovingly come alongside me and say, ‘hey, it’s OK if you’re a tomboy,'” the influencer revealed. “I was the kid that liked to hike, who liked to be in the mud, who was a total tomboy, and I just needed a parent to come alongside me and say, ‘hey, that’s OK.’ But now we live in a world where there are no tomboys anymore. We live in a world where if you like these things, then you’re that. And that’s a very scary place to be because children are so vulnerable, and we need to protect [them].”

Lex Renick and Nic Renick, a married couple who previously identified as a “trans gay” relationship, reverted to nuclear family principles after finding Christ. (Instagram: @revivetravelingministry)
Renick began identifying as a boy at the age of 13 in school, which was supported by staff and students while her parents were left in the dark about her identity. Now a mother of two with more than 100,000 Instagram followers, she relays the importance of allowing kids to be kids during childhood.
“If you’re maybe a boy who loves to sing, who loves to dance, who’s great at drama like my husband was, that doesn’t mean that you have to belong to this community. That just means that God has put different gifts and talents within you. And I think that when we start putting these kids in these boxes, it brings on confusion. So I would say, instead of running to that, you know, see your authenticity and walk in it and ask God to lead you through the [discomfort],” she said.
After eventually being blocked from starting hormones while underage by her parents, Renick now echoed that she felt “very thankful” her father didn’t allow her to begin gender treatments until she was 18 and able to sign on the dotted line for herself.

Lex Renick identified as “Austin” for 14 years and began taking hormones at the age of 18. (Instagram: @revivetravelingministry)
“I can’t breastfeed,” Renick shared, now left unable to nurse her own children as a consequence of top surgery. “I paid $10,000 cash for the [top] surgery experience… and I did all this because I believed the lie of the world that I had to do all these things.”
The Southern California native, who grew up with “a family that was doing ministry”, mentioned that the alcohol and pill abuse witnessed “behind closed doors” during her childhood was the culprit that “planted seeds for the enemy to come in and cause this confusion.”
Renick spoke about a fragment of the Christian community she experienced early on that can make it difficult for those who seek God during hardship to face problems instead of flee them. “Instead of being able to run to a loving community, which should be the Christian community, I would run there and experience rejection and be shunned, even from my family at some point in my testimony – and that caused more of a divide,” she shared.

Lex Renick credits her husband, Nic, for their current relationship with Christ that “radically” changed their lives. (Instagram: @revivetravelingministry)
“I ended up running to this loving queer community, this community that affirmed me, this community that accepted me. And it took me down a whole other rabbit hole of actually living out my truth, which led ultimately to me dying to myself [and] getting to the end of myself, because this world sells you the knockoff version of Jesus, and it just does not stick. Only God can stick,” the content creator added.
After giving her life to God and ripping herself away from ideologies within the LGBT movement, Renick claimed she “met the love of [her] life”, whom she creditsspotlight on for their renewed relationship with Jesus.
Renick, who previously identified as “Austin,” also identified with the label “gay trans couple” during the start of her relationship with her now husband, Nic. “My husband identified as a gay man, and biologically I was still a woman… We presented as this gay couple. My husband never signed up to be married to a woman, he never signed up to have a wife. And let me just say, when you fully sacrifice everything, and you lay it at the feet of Jesus, he doesn’t take something away from you, he gives you something more fruitful.”

Lex Renick when she identified as Austin (left) and the mother of two children under two now (right) after de-transitioning. (Instagram: @revivetravelingministry)
“As a parent, my husband and I have realized that you need to be the one to start the conversation. Don’t let the world start the conversation because the world is going to tell them [the] opposite of what the Word of God says,” the influencer continued.
“It is so important that, as a parent, instead of running from this conversation, because even sometimes the church runs from the conversation. [Start] with biblical grace and biblical truth that God doesn’t make a mistake, and he loves his children, and he loves us enough not to create us to be put into bondage or to be put in these boxes. And so we’ve been so passionate about this topic as [parents] that we really wish that this was more talked about to us as kids.”
Wanting to facilitate change and create a space for conversation, Renick and her husband authored a children’s book, “Jesus, My Gender, And His Perfect Love: God Made Me As I Am Meant To Be” in an effort to help parents start conversations earlier, conversations that could have changed the trajectory of Renick’s life.
For those currently struggling with their identity or feeling “misfit” in some way, Renick declared, “I want you to know that you are so deeply loved by the Lord that God didn’t make a mistake, that you were created for such a time as this, that God has a plan and a purpose for your life, and that the best is yet to come.”