outdoor gear

Layer Your Clothes to Stay Comfortable in Any Weather (2025)

Layer Your Clothes to Stay Comfortable in Any Weather (2025)


Layering is not a complicated thing. It’s the process of adding and removing layers of clothing to keep your body ...

Best Puffer Jackets (2025): Patagonia, Arc'teryx, REI

Best Puffer Jackets (2025): Patagonia, Arc’teryx, REI


The temptation with down jackets is get the warmest one you can. If you’re spending the winter in northern Wisconsin ...

What Is Down Fill Power (2025): Fill Weight, Synthetics

What Is Down Fill Power (2025): Fill Weight, Synthetics


If all else is the same, an ounce of 800-fill down will keep you warmer than an ounce of 650-fill ...